About this exhibition I find out after I saw the invitation. There was on the cover perfect illustration on young witch with magical ambient in the background. In the same moment I wish I can see more from this illustrator as I like the illustration a lot and share a lot of links on twitter connect with illustrated art.
I actually write about Benjamin Lacombe born in Paris in 82, one year older then me. As a student in ENSAD in Paris he already illustrated few books with his works and is well known for the world scene. He published for Walker Books (USA) and is also nominated for prestige award in Time Magazine. With his style of works yet to come even more famous he works constantly for Albin Michel, Barefoot Books (USA), Edelvives (Spain), Hemingway Korea (Korea) and much more and also you can find him very often in the galleries around the world centers as New York, Paris, Roma, Tokyo...
the exhibition named ' Portraits de Sorcieres' took place in Bibliotheque Municipale de Thionville in the open space called l'Espace Invitro and on the expo were exposed more then 30 illustrations from this illustrator, most of the books that are illustrated by him and a lot of posters and cards with his work.
Great artist/ illustrator that is very young and unique in his style of work and message that he brings with his illustrations. Happy that I saw this!
more about Benjamin Lacombe you can find on his personal PAGE or on his BLOG. There is a fan page on facebook also. I saw this animation on his profile I like it and I decide to share it here too.
"Once Upon a Time.."
Teaser of "Once Upon a Time.." Pop Up Book published November 5th 2010 in France by Seuil Jeunesse. Also published the 5th november in Spain by Edelvives and in Italy.
Eight classical tales evoked by a double page with ingenious mechanism, in a magnificent book which associates technical exploit and artistic talent. Find the characters of the most famous tales: Alice, Pinocchio, Sleeping Beauty , Blue Beard, Peter Pan, The Little Red Riding Hood, Mrs butterfly , Poucette staged by Benjamin Lacombe and in volume by José Pons. At the end of the book, Jean Perrot's point of view, an expert of the tales and the youth image, will come to light the work.
Together is a Non-governmental, non-profit voluntary organization. It was established in France in 2003 by few passionate people, who believe in what they do: cross European cooperation and networking among civic organizations and the values and mutual learning such cooperation brings.
These people wished to use their experience gained throughout numerous international programs and work experience in alike organizations in several European countries and wanted to create an open forum facilitating international meetings on different topics, bringing together different targets and thereby supporting networking among people and organizations with similar interests.
Together works on pan-European basis and recognizes the values of networking principles. Therefore it supports creation of new and development of existing partnerships among civic organizations from already 15 European countries including organizations from Commonwealth of Independent States and Middle East.
The target group of Together and it's partners is in general civic society and specifically young people, being the generation that is " to make a difference". We believe deeply that active participation of young people can empower them their friends and the society around them.
« Every human group has its own values in communication, mutual support and solidarity for a common aim: the development of each is in the respect for differences. » ~ Françoise Dolto
The Community Centre Jacques Prévert is a non-profit association (1901). In Moselle and in Alsace the associations are governed by the local civil law (1908). In France there are over one million associations, employing six million employees.
Association Jacques Prévert was founded in 1983 thanks to the mobilization of a handful of residents. Some still serve as directors on the Board of Directions. The association was named “Jacques Prévert” according to its school district. The building was built in 1989 and enlarged in 1999.
The mission of Association Jacques Prévert is to carry out social and cultural activities in the western areas of Thionville (cf. annexes statuts). The Association Jacques Prévert is opened for everyone, children (from the youngest ages), youth and adults. Its approach is a familial and a user-friendly concept.
The specificity of Association Jacques Prévert is computing with its corollary multimedia; they represent the media for dissemination of knowledge as a base of emergences of many initiatives. The association has registration at the Moselle Prefecture, which allows dissemination in eligible trainings under the professional training (cf. annexes plaquette des formations).
Nowadays, Association Jacques Prévert has nearly thousand members, in the structure several of them are involved as volunteers, leadership or having a functioning role. If you want to join our voluntary group to convey your enthusiasm, you are welcomed with great pleasure.
The association is also supported by a wide partnership that works by its side and lend a hand in development of different projects (cf. logos page). The association is supported by the City of Thionville and the “Conseil Générale” of Moselle through various conventions; it is also known as “Youth and Sport” as a part of the “Popular Education and Youth”. Since 1991, Association Jacques Prévert has the approval of Social Center, social means “Living Together”, assigned by the “Family Allowances Fund of Moselle” (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales de la Moselle), and since 1999, the benefit of the “Activities of Collective Families” (Animation Collective Familles).
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