The idea that Bruno de Sario [Italy] on the first project give to Us [Together] was a perfect method/ process of creating conceptual/ contemporary art works/ installation from organic and recycled materials. Project very, very ecoLOGICal, trying to invent art concept from low budget materials that are easy for recycling or already recycled for me is science. The connection of them with organic stuff, associate me on connection with nature, one of the first rules that we need to respect if we are aware persons. That was excellent starting point for raising better youth values trough this specific art.
He help them bringing their ideas in the cleanest and purest forms that were catchy for the eyes of all of us (participants) and also the public on the opening of the exhibition.
Solidarity as topic is important for the civil society today. We must be active in creating society in which solidarity is accepted in way of producing it, not just on a level of understanding it as definition.
This post is written just because I'm grateful to Bruno for being there and being that what HE is :)
check his blog to see more of his art works - Bruno de Sario
Enjoy few more photos:
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